Geek of the Week is a prize of extreme status. It is not given weekly nor is it limited to one a week. It is reserved for the person or group of people so dedicated to their mission that they do or say something with such enthusiasm that even people with the same mission notice the hilariousness. Bystanders simply think they are speaking a foreign language or utter nonsense. It is to be reserved for true enthusiasm. It is an award to be highly regarded.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Geek of Collaborating

Tip of the mortorboard to Bettie for volunteering to help some researchers work on a definition of "high-level collaboration" and "low-level collaboration." She reiterated her interest by saying, "Yes, please do call me. I think that really sounds like fun."

I simply sat with my arms folded and looked at her. She put her head down and said, "I know, I know. I won."



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