Geek of the Week is a prize of extreme status. It is not given weekly nor is it limited to one a week. It is reserved for the person or group of people so dedicated to their mission that they do or say something with such enthusiasm that even people with the same mission notice the hilariousness. Bystanders simply think they are speaking a foreign language or utter nonsense. It is to be reserved for true enthusiasm. It is an award to be highly regarded.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Geek of the test

You don't have to wait for me to discover your geekiness!
Find out for yourself with
The Geek Test*

According to this test:

i am a total geek

I fear they underestimate me.

*They admit to some outdated material on the quiz but have decided to keep the same questions for consistency. That's pretty geeky.

Geek of the flickr toys

Library! for the bookish
Originally uploaded by libraryann.

I just had too much fun playing with the photo manipulating toys on the photo sharing site.

I must have made 4 different magazine covers, just for my own amuzement.

"Librarians do it in the stacks by the book"
Patronize him: What are his real information needs?
(that is my favorite part)

again, go make one

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Geek on a trading card

trading card
Originally uploaded by libraryann.

I do believe that I have totally outdone myself. I can't speak for the other 375 members of the flickr group but this was a lot of fun to create. I think we should all have to have one of these to hand out.

No more launching into useless "elevator speaches" when both parties know that neither is interested...
"You want to know my research interests? Let me give you my card.."

No more lengthy job interviews that ultimately end in "We'll call you"
"Want to know if we are a good fit - let's take a gander at the other cards in your pile..."

Things not working out with an employee - get together with other bosses for trade and negotiation sessions. "I'll give you one cataloger and two clerks for that adult services department head."

Friction-free info, indeed.

Go make one!!

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